Summary Practice – Nick Dufont

Berliner, Wendy. “’Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 28 Jan. 2020,

In the article, “Schools are killing curiosity“, Wendy Berliner tells us that schools are killing curiosity in young students. According to the writer, research has shown that a child’s ability to stay focused was less important than curiosity. In another study lead by researcher Dr Prachi Shah, it was said that in early learning promoting curiosity is a foundation that should be emphasized. The writer also mentions that Paul Howard-Jones, a professor of neuroscience, say that children should be prompted to ask questions despite it being difficult for teachers. Overall the article pushes the idea that a child’s curiosity should be nourished as data suggests that a child’s interest in a given topic may correlate with how quickly the pick up the topic.

1 thought on “Summary Practice – Nick Dufont”

  1. OK this is good work. I see you got the most important points.

    However, there are some unclearly written parts. For example,

    You write: Overall the article pushes the idea that a child’s curiosity should be nourished as data suggests that a child’s interest in a given topic may correlate with how quickly the pick up the topic. — huh? not clear

    Capitalize each word in a title!

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