RAB Proposal Paragraph-Amy (updated)

My research question is how pandemic affected students mental health? This topic interests me because when schools started online-learning, I started to procrastinate on how schools is going to build a schedule throughout the Zoom and Google Meets while working on our classwork and homework  in Google Classroom. This topic interests me because I was told that I had depression where I had many things to do at home or online-learning and be able to balance the two wasn’t easy to do. This topic interest me because as a student, mental health isn’t that easy to recover and talking about it wasn’t easy too. I already know that there are students can’t learn well during distance learning and feeling they aren’t getting enough help as if they were in the classroom. I also already know that some students even think about ending their lives and can’t handle it. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are How we as a student can stop mental health?, What can we do to guide the younger generation to think positive?, and Why are students facing mental health issues?




11 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph-Amy (updated)”

  1. This topic interests me because as a Chinese of the younger generation I have to be mindful and respectful to family members older than me by 12 years or more. I want to know how to be more filial to my older generations since I am in the 3rd generation in both of my parents’ side, it tells a lot about me. [unclearly expressed] Asian children’s look up on their role model and growing with love, care, and strict parents, [unclearly expressed] I have to prove to my family and ancestors that I am a hard-working daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, niece, and granddaughter. 

    Pls continue revising to make your writing more clear.

  2. Amy — I am glad to see this revision — This is a good topic! I am glad you did some re-thinking. Here I offer a few edits:

    My research question is how did the pandemic affected students mental health? This topic interests me because when schools started online-learning, I started to procrastinate on how schools is going to build a schedule throughout the Zoom and Google Meets while working on our classwork and homework in Google Classroom. — CLARIFY this statement] This topic interests me because I was told that I had depression and when I had many things to do at home or online-learning[, I had a hard time] balancing the two. This topic interest me because as a student, mental health isn’t that easy to recover and talking about it wasn’t easy too. [good point!] I already know that there are students can’t learn well during distance learning and feeling they aren’t getting enough help as if they were in the [physical] classroom. I also already know that some students even think about ending their lives and can’t handle it. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are [Make these questions more clearly written — How we as a student can stop mental health?, What can we do to guide the younger generation to think positive?, and Why are students facing mental health issues?

  3. I looked at your two sources. They are both good. They are both feature pieces. SO you should choose one of these two. Choose the one you like best. That can be your Source 1 news or feature piece.

    And you need to find another piece that is an Opinion piece, an op-ed. Remember that your Source 2 must be an op-ed. Remember in class we discussed what is an op-ed and we read an example op-ed ANdrew Yang’s We Are Not THe VIrus. Do you remember. So you don’t have an op-ed yet. You need to find one for you second source.

    Can you look for an opinion piece by searching through the resources I provided in the place I showed you (next to Assignment Two in the left hand menu tab that opens out)

    OR can you google your RQ research and question and Opinion-Editorial and NYT…

    So here are a few I found for you. Read and see if you like any of these op-eds.



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