Resilience Esha

A challenge I was facing in school would probably be anxiety and failing. This struggle was about three years ago when covid was everywhere around the world. When school shut down and online classes started I had anxiety from that. I had low self esteem i felt like not learning and it was just not it for me. I remember one day I was like i have to start overcoming this anxiety that had taken over me. So I started relaxing and facing my fear which was learning online and it got pretty well and now i just don’t care anymore because as time goes on everything just changes. Also my anxiety also always made me fail in life and now i’m like completely fine i guess

I also remember i used to be stressed on in class because of failing my classes. Also my teachers used to give so many assignments and that made me really stressed out but then I pushed myself to do hard and my hard work paid off. I also found out that failure leads to success so I didn’t give up. Also covid changed a lot of stuff like everything got online and I think that’s what made everything I guess horrible. We all had to stay home and couldn’t go out that made me really stressed and just depressed as well. Before covid everything was good and going well but after covid it was just not it. Also i feel like the skills I’ve learned from the past years would probably be communication and now i feel like i can communicate a lot. Also communication helped me in a lot of ways like making me feel more comfortable about myself and making me understand myself more.

3 thoughts on “Resilience Esha”

  1. Yes I can relate to this. The Covid pandemic and the quarantine period from Mar 2020 lasting until at least Fall of 2020 was a very challenging difficult time for everyone.

    If you choose to take this writing further, you need some structure and more details.

    This writing task asks you to name a BIG challenge that required resilience on your part. You haven’t given a name to your challenge and you need to do this. SO — Could your big challenge be the Covid Pandemic Online Senior Year?
    That would give the event, the challenge, a descriptive wording. That would also be some thing you would have been resilient about because you sruvived it right? I mean you are here in college, so you graduated! You see I am trying to get you to be more exact and specific in thinking about what to write.

    1. Can you put a defnite time period on this time of your struggle? Just like I did above in my comment here. What year did this happen? What year in school were you? Also, can you give a name or a phrase to the exact struggle you were facing. For example, were you failing senior year of high school?
    2. Remember you must write with concrete specific details. Let’s call it CSD. So think of the 5 Ws! Make your writing show me What? Why? How? When? Where?
    3. You mention that the teachers gave so many assignments. Can you describe that in more detail? How many? For example which class in particular is the best example of a teacher giving many assignments?
    4. I like that you tell me how this effected you: anxiety, low self-esteem, lack of motivation. Can you describe more on your exact feelings. Maybe this could be a paragraph explaining more details on your downward spiral and the feelings.
    5. What are the skills that helped you to be resilient? How exactly did you “push” yourself? What exactly did you do — what strategies did you practice?
    6. In your writing you need to be specific. For example, you write: Also covid changed a lot of stuff (WHAT?) like everything (WHAT?) got online and I think that’s what made everything (WHAT)) I guess horrible.

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