Reading Response to Malcolm X — Anthony Clement

“For evil to bend its knees, admitting its guilt, to implore the forgiveness of God, is the hardest thing in the world. It’s easy for me to see and to say that now. But then, when I was the personification of evil, I was going through it. Again, again, I would force myself back down into the praying-to-Allah posture. When finally I was able to make myself stay down — I didn’t know what to say to Allah”(Paragraph 9)

Seeking forgiveness and admitting your wrongs is what Malcom X believes to be the hardest thing for an evil person to do. He is able to make this claim because he has gone through it himself. When Malcom was view not only by others as evil but by himself he was constantly forcing himself to get on his knees to speak with Allah, to pray. However he found himself clueless on what to say to Allah once when finally reach that position.

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