Douglass and Resilience – Carlos Benitez

“I often found myself regretting my own existence, and wishing myself dead; and but for the hope of being free I have no doubt whether I should have killed myself, or done something for which I should’ve been killed. While in the state of mind, I was eager to hear someone speak of slavery. I was a ready listener. Every little while, I could hear some-thing about the abolitionist. It was sometime before I found what the word meant.” Paragraph 9

Just being alive is a chore, and im wishing I was dead; if it wasn’t for the fact that i had a little hope that I could be free I would have killed myself or done something thatv would get them to kill me. While I was at the end of my rope contemplating ending it all, I was hoping to hear someone talk about slavery. I was there waiting for anyone praying that someone would just waiting there ready. While I waited I heard about the abolitionist. It took a while for me to find out what that word meant.

Douglass shows resilience because you can tell his indomitable human spirit was wavering. You can see how close he is to ending it all even considering doing something just so someone can end his life. Although you read his words you can feel the flame of hope flicker in his eyes. It’s almost as if he’s completely given up, but you know his spirit persist as he still continues and writes his story. Not only the words but its mere existence shows you how resilient he was. Although he feels the rock bottom hes at he still protected that flame of hope waiting to hear about slavery and the abolitionist. Waiting for something to change.

I prefer learning in person since I am more of a hands on person. That is why online leaning is my perfect enemy. I understand it makes life easier for some people but it was my weakness, I couldnt focus in class and finding assignments was an assignment in and of itself is one. Luckily I had good friends that I could talk to while I finished my homework. Sady this didnt help after I graduated but I fould that I was more productive in my college library. I am happy that learning is back online because that makes my life alot easier

1 thought on “Douglass and Resilience – Carlos Benitez”

  1. OK! Good work on Part A

    In Part B, the instructions are TWO paragraphs about your own example of resilience. Carlos, you are great in class discussions so I know you have good ideas. NOW in your writing — focus on one event, an on-going hardship or challenge and how you overcome it and showed resilience. So explain ONE particular time or event or struggle ONE event that you battled with during online-schooling.

    What in particular was your struggle? What strategies involving friendships did you use to help you overcome this struggle? BE SPECIFIC>. FOCUS on ONE meaningful event — in this way you will dig deep and writer better and write with more focus! Two paragraphs!

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