Hello, I’m Esha. I am an 18-year-old. I’m currently enrolled in the radiology program, and I hope to be successful in the future. I live with my parents and my siblings. I enjoy volleyball and roller skating. I had a pet rabbit once but it passed away. I love cats and other cute animals. I love driving even tho i’m a new learner and i still need a little more practice. Also i thought that after i got my radiology degree i was planning on getting a computer science degree because because I am interested in technology, computers, and other topics linked to computer science. This year i’m planning to go to Italy to visit my uncle. Also i’m going to be visiting Rome,Venice,Naples and other cities in Italy. I might also go to Switzerland because i find that country beautiful,clean, and attractive.
Esha: you need to write more and you must follow instructions that I give in Announcements. A big part of this class is learning to read and follow the instructions for assignments.