
Hi, it’s nice to meet you all, my name is Amy and this is my first year at this college. My name is given by my mom and I love my name. I was born and raised in New York. In French, my name means beloved or well-loved. My favorite sports are badminton and basketball. I have anxiety and I am slowly recovering. In my free time, I would get my personal space and items clean and organized, get enough sleep, play my favorite sports, listen to my favorite songs, watch my favorite dramas and shows, and spend time with my family. Growing up in New York City makes me see there are many people who are the same as me and my family but in some cases, there are different people who will judge us and some would treat us as one of them. My goals for 2023 would be; to love myself more, to be able to pass every class I am taking, get more sleep, be a healthy eater, drink more water, find a job that fits me, and have fewer distractions around me.

Below is a photo of Chinatown New York where I was born and raised where is my hometown and where I would spend my free time. There are many things had changed over time and there are many things went up and some don’t. Growing up here is like a dream to me and my family. Going to school in Manhattan for most of my life and the first time going to Brooklyn for school.

Amazing Things to Do and See in Chinatown, NYC

3 thoughts on “Introduction-Amy”

  1. Great introduction, Amy! It’s nice to meet you and learn a bit about your background and interests. Your mention of recovering from anxiety is very brave and honest. I love that you have specific goals for the coming year and it’s great to hear about your love for your hometown and the way it shaped you. The photo of Chinatown is also very nice and it’s interesting to hear about the changes you’ve seen in the area over time. I wish you all the best in your studies.

  2. Great picture of Chinatown and Xing Nian Kuai Le! I hope I got the ping yin correct. You have good healthy goals for yourself and I hope you can achieve all these goals in this year of the rabbit.

    I too have noticed many changes in NYC’s Chinatown. I wonder what it was like growing up there. Maybe there is a good story somewhere in this growing up in Chinatown experience you have had. Did you go to school in that neighborhood too. What was that like? Do you speak Cantonese or Mandarin and can you write? I hope to learn more about this fromyou.

    Yes anxiety is real. Believe it or not, I too have anxiety. It depends on what situation and what people I am dealing with. If you are feeling a little anxious in the class, I hope you can ease into speaking and sharing more in class. Usually all the class members are supportive to each other.

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