Genre Project Progress Report- Kaiulani Perez

I completed my outline for my podcasting project.I have written out all three parts, my introduction, middle and conclusion. In my body paragraph, I also have the questions that I will be asking my interviewee as well as research that I collected while writing my RAB as well as a few extra facts that I felt was important to include in my podcast. Garage band had a hard time downloading my pre-recorded Voice Memos and audacity was very confusing to work on my computer, so I switched to an alternative app. My classmate Miah Segura told me about the app she was using on her phone called SoundLab and how it was a lot quicker and easier to use so that’s the app that I switched over to. The voice memos that I did record previously were able to download onto SoundLab and overall, it’s much easier to use and edit clips that I already have. This also helps me add in the new information I want to include. I still have to record my conclusion, extra information and decide if I want to include music. Overall, this project is a challenge and difficult, because I had no knowledge of how to edit and put a podcast together, and I personally wouldn’t have picked a podcast as my first choice, but I think that my podcast will come together in the end. I have started thinking about my creator statement and jotting down things I want to include, but I am not finished with it.

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