Rhetorical Analysis and Quotables–Savion

Part 4 – Rhetorical Analysis

Wendy Berliner is an author and award-winning journalist. She wrote two other educational books. She is also a joint CEO of the Education Media Centre. Berliner mostly writes about our educational system. Throughout her article she used ethos by stating research that was done by other professors. She also used pathos by showing how not asking questions is affecting students. This article intended audience are other educators. Her purpose was to spread awareness about this topic that isn’t talked about much. This article falls under the feature article genre. This is a good approach to take because it is almost like a news article. Berliner is a credible source because of her background and the research she provided in her article. The Guardian is also a credible source because they are the main news source for the UK

Part 5 – Notable Quotables

” Dr Prachi Shah, a developmental and behavioral pediatrician at Mott and an assistant research scientist at the University of Michigan, says: “Promoting curiosity in children, especially those from environments of economic disadvantage, may be an important, under-recognized way to address the achievement gap. Promoting curiosity is a foundation for early learning that we should be emphasizing more when we look at academic achievement.”” (Berliner 2)

“But research from Susan Engel, author of The Hungry Mind and a leading international authority on curiosity in children, finds questioning drops like a stone once children start school. When her team logged classroom questions, she found the youngest children in an American suburban elementary school asked between two and five questions in a two-hour period. Even worse, as they got older the children gave up asking altogether.” (Berliner 2)

“The researchers gauged levels of curiosity when the children were babies, toddlers and preschoolers, using parent visits and questionnaires. Reading, math’s and behavior were then checked in kindergarten (the first year of school), where they found that the most curious children performed best.” (Berliner 1)

5 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis and Quotables–Savion”

  1. I agree with your quotes to show how she supported her claim. Your explanation is good but maybe include how she wants to promote curiosity in schools.

  2. Very good! Your writing is economical and efficient. You answered the necessary questions for a Rhetorical Analysis in a straightforward and clear manner. Good clear labeling! /p>

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