Writing Task: Saved– Priyanka Komal

In my senior year of high school, I played volleyball. This was my way of staying active and I got to play a sport that I enjoyed playing and this made me happy. This helped me because before I had nothing to do with sports or even had the thought of it. I learned to come to like the sport in middle School and on my final year of high school I managed to work up the courage to go to tryouts.  

At first, I was intimidated because everyone there had been there since august, and I had just joined in September. At the same time everyone there was all so nice and welcoming. I thought getting to know everyone was going to be hard, but it was easier than I thought. On the second day we had a group chat so we could connect because everyone came from different schools since there were 4 schools in the building. Jamaica High School was a combination of 4 high schools and 1 middle school.  

I had a challenging time adapting to the training and preparation. Intestinally they had started in August, but I was not sure, so I joined in September. After a few weeks I got into the habit, and I was moving through things smoothly. We got into teams and started passing and getting to know one another, this was a way for us to get to know each other and get along. On the court you had to know each other and their strengths and weaknesses. That was a way we could move around on the court this was also an effective way to quadrate moves and tactics. I am glad to join because it helped me get out of my comfort zone and help me be a little more open and get to conversate with others.  

3 thoughts on “Writing Task: Saved– Priyanka Komal”

  1. I was the same when it came time to join my high school soccer team even though I was on a soccer team outside the school. I was nervous because I didn’t know how they were going to react to my skills. Was I good enough to join the team and more? But I had one of my friends tryout with me so I wasn’t as nervous. But later when I made the team, I started to talk to my teammates more and feel nervous or anxious around them. I liked how the team helped you come out of your comfort zone and experience the things you did.

  2. OK — Now can you make sure that the experience of being on the team HELPED YOU IN SCHOOL! Remember this is an education narrative, so you will also include a part of your story on how volley ball saved you in your school life? Grades? Social confidence with your school peers?

    AND — instead of just telling me SHOW me by creating a scene.

    SO — when you tell me: “We got into teams and started passing and getting to know one another, this was a way for us to get to know each other and get along. On the court you had to know each other and their strengths and weaknesses.” — create, build a scene with details and take your reader there to the volleyball court and create for the reader THEATRE OF THE MIND

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