Mentor Quote – Jizelle Thompson

” Making Decisions Out Of Anger Will Delay Your Success. I know you’ll do great things in left.” – Mr. Roach, Guidance Counselor 

During my senior year, I displayed some abnormal behavior compared to what I was known for. Mostly I was reserved, in my own world, and quiet. Unfortunately, I was being bullied, which resulted in depression, social anxiety, and repressed anger and aggression. My grades were dropping, skipping class, and not participating. I realized that I was tired of the constant negativity surrounding me, resulting in multiple incidents of abnormal behavior. After I didn’t feel better. I just felt embarrassed. After suspension, Mr. Rach called me into his office, to comfort me about my behavior during the school year. But one thing he said stuck out to me “Making Decisions Out Of Anger, Will Delay Your Success. I know you’ll do great things in left”. After talking to him and hearing something positive. I felt like a weight had been lifted and somebody was in my corner, cared about me and my decisions & where they would take me in life. I found confidence in myself, and despite the bullying continuing it didn’t bother me anymore. I felt better because I was working, my grades were getting better, standing up for myself ( without violence ), graduation felt good I graduated with honors and a regents diploma. I finally realized people that only I can control how I feel about myself, negativity only matters if you let it.

1 thought on “Mentor Quote – Jizelle Thompson”

  1. Christinea — this is good (I almost didn’t recognize you because in class I believe you asked me to call you Christinea — please let me know which name you want to use!)

    Now can you think of scenes? Reach back into your memory for the events that could become a story. You need to tell this story with events that move your story forward.

    So for example, could you tell a story about a the best example of a time in your senior year when you were “display[ing] some abnormal behavior compared to what I was known for. Mostly I was reserved, in my own world, and quiet. Unfortunately, I was being bullied, which resulted in depression, social anxiety, and repressed anger and aggression.”

    Instead of just telling me — give me the details that would make this a scene and make theatre of the mind for your reader.

    Then think of the next scene that would move your story forward.

    Can you show me the scene in Dean’s office when he said these words?

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