Success Tips- Nyazia B

Tip 1 : One tip i will be using is physically coming to class. I chose this because I’ve had have a bad habit of not showing up for school the 2 1/2 years i was there because of Covid. When i was actually in school i spent most of it at home or i left school to go home because i just didn’t want to be there. Although not being there or leaving early never affected my grade or anything it was a bad habit i developed that i feel i need to grow out of because now I’m in college and its way more serious and different than high school. Its only been the first week of school but now I’m trying to motivate myself enough to actually go and show up. Now i am trying to show up not only because i pay for it but also because its beneficial to what i want to do as a career and not showing up to get me to that point would lead me nowhere and would also be a waste of money. Showing up and not missing out of anything because i just didn’t feel like it could also help me preform better academically than i was before.

Tip 2: Another tip i will start using that I’ve struggled with for a while is participation. This tip speaks to me personally because i’m such a shy person and i also am always nervous i might say the wrong answer but it’s mostly because i’m just shy and don’t want to talk. All throughout school i wouldn’t really participate much even when i was called on id just sit there quietly and it slowly started to affect my grade. In most of my classes i would talk because i had people that i knew in there and if i was put into a group it would help me either but answering things on my own or even having to do presentations on my own i couldn’t participate in it because of the nervousness i was feeling and sometimes it drastically affected my grade. I participated sometimes but not always and towards my senior year in high school i grew out of it a little bit but not much because I’ve noticed i still get shy but realized i can’t be because it affects my grade and it also helps me be more open. When i wouldn’t participate or speak up it would affect my grade but also i’d get lost in the class because i wouldn’t say anything when i needed clarification or to know if i got something wrong on the work i was doing. I’ve started off with just involving myself more in discussions even when i believe i’m wrong because then i can be corrected which also benefits me academically instead of being confused and asking for help when i need it. I still get shy often but doing those things has been helping a lot. 

3 thoughts on “Success Tips- Nyazia B”

  1. for number one, I felt that to. I remember for highschool how most of the teachers let us easy and make up work. I would be missing from class all the time I just do the work whenever I can and show up when I felt like it. Of course, it was a bad habit and i know there’s no tolerance for that here.

  2. I completely understand you on participating. It’s nerve wrecking for me on occasions because of the “what if” situations but as we progress in class we need to work on our confidence and trust. This is important for future situations where it can benefit us in our careers. It is ok to make an error, that is how we learn. We must also be tolerant because not everyone is the same. However, if big groups are not your thing, then you should strive to be active in smaller group discussions and activities. We are all here to learn and we should not be shy to ask questions.

  3. I felt the second tip honestly. Yet that shouldn’t allow you to express the wisdom that contains in your brain. I have that problem as well where I am afraid to say the wrong answer as well, I have had that problem since I was in Elementary school. Now we are paying to be here so I could care less of what anyone think if I ask a question I don’t understand. I had to realize I have to get the education here to it’s fullest ability and beyond so I don’t waste time and money. However, sometimes definitely you can think deep by yourself first and if you have tried your absolute best and still don’t understand I believe you shouldn’t be shy. Trust me your not alone in this I need to overcome being shy to in class so I can understand everything better, however slowly I am getting better and being less hesitant.

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