Success Tips- Sindy

Tip 1: Come to class (Physically)

This tip is something I had trouble in during high school specially during senior year. I used to come late to first period very often or not go to some classes because I felt like I really didn’t need to if I kept my grades high, which I did. Now, since I must pay for these classes I have to go because college isn’t the same as high school. Instead of coming late now I make sure I’m ready by a certain time and leave the house to make sure I’m at the school like 20 minutes early. I will make sure to be present for all my classes because I don’t want to fall behind and have trouble with understanding the lesson or assignment given. Even though it was easy to catch up in high school when you didn’t come, I believe it will probably not be the same for college. 

Tip 2: Understand Deadlines

Although I do understood deadlines, I try to make sure I’m always on top with my assignments. I usually set a reminder for all the things I need to get done or do it right away. I am always on time with my work because I’m the type of person who constantly thinks about what I need to do and by when. I recently downloaded this app on my computer where I can put widgets on my computer screen and write it in. I can use this for class to write my homework or schedule or other things, I feel like are important and need to get done. This ensures that I get everything done for all my classes. I find this very helpful as I can cross and add new things on it. 

1 thought on “Success Tips- Sindy”

  1. I also had a very similar experience as yours in the senior year. I used to attend my first period class late or even absent, too. I like your idea about coming to class early for 20 minutes because it is hard to say there might be accidents about public transportation or other stuff. I really admire you for doing your assignments early, with your schedule and discipline using ways like that app you downloaded. I hope I can also force myself to schedule ahead to finish my assignments.

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