Success Tips- Dessire

Tip #1:

One tip that I suggest and should start to do more of is to participate. Participation hasn’t always been my strong suit and has been something that my teachers used to address consistently. This in particular is significant to me because I do need to work on talking more in class. A lot, if not all professors require participation from their students whether it’s nonverbal ( such as handing in work ) or verbal ( such as joining class discussions in person ).

Tip #2:

Tip #2 would definitely have to be to check your syllabus and weekly schedule. I include both of these because they provide answers to almost any question that you may have regarding the class and the work being assigned. This is significant to me because it provides me with deadlines for each assignment so that I may be able to create a weekly schedule that would have all of my classes combined. With this in hand, you would be able to ensure that you are prepared for each upcoming class and you wouldn’t fall behind.

2 thoughts on “Success Tips- Dessire”

  1. Same goes for me. From elementary to even now, teachers will always talk about how I need to participate in class by raising my hands and they will also bring it up during PTC. Each teacher constantly brings it up and it’s no surprise to me whenever they say participating is something I need to work on. This is something I always struggle with and feel like it’s not easy to overcome it. 

  2. I agree with the second tip you chose since it’s way different from high school and a different platform. Sometimes when I’m doing the work I end up coming up with questions that are answered in the syllabus or weekly assignments. It also helps me organize myself and stay updated.

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