Introduction- Angel Sanchez

Mental Health isn’t talked about enough and these days we need someone in our lives to push ourselves and stay focused on the things that matter. My name is Angel Sanchez. I’m usually humble but I would definitely agree that I’m an interesting friend to have in your life. Let me talk a little about myself and my background. I’m currently a 18 year old male that’s from the Dominican Republic. My parents were both born and raised over there but had me here. I traveled a lot back and forth while I was young. My mom chose my name for a certain reason. She thought I was her angel. But I choose to live up to the name and I’ve grown up to many others being guidance in helping them in life. You see, at some point in my life I was at my worst but then I decided to change.

I’ve started working out and started streaming and making videos online to help others. Its a gift God has brought to me how I’m able to help so many people in the world. You see I struggled with my mental health for so long and I got better when I saw that mostly everyone had the same problem and decided to help them. I’ve tried to answer how to get their life together especially and how most of them were throwing their life away and I’ve seen potential in them. I decided to be a personal trainer for most people at the gym, opened an instagram account and people message me all the time for advice and tips for certain stuff. It would either be how to get started and decide what they want with their life, exercise tips, school related questions, and cheering them up when they’re down. Most importantly, I work so hard for myself so I can be the right image for others, but my motivation is for my hard working parents to be proud of a son they have.

3 thoughts on “Introduction- Angel Sanchez”

  1. Hey Angel, I see that you really like to help people and from that I can tell that you are a very good and noble person. I appreciated that you decided to open up about your mental health and that you talked about. I believe that mental health is not really talked about and mostly in men because we have stereotypes that say that men should always be strong or that men should not share their feelings, and i’m glad that your mental health got better.

  2. This is amazing — I loved learning how you worked through your mental health challenges and I totally agree that we should not be a society that stigmatizes people talking about their emotions, feelings, hurts. I also agree with Randy’s comment that men are socialized to hide their emotions and how this can hurt them. So you are brave and smart to prioritize your state of mind. It’s also important to recognize that the pandemic upended and interrupted life and especially for your generation.

    And kudos for working as a personal trainer — I need tips from you! So important to be physically healthy and a good field to get into.

  3. Awesome picture!

    Just thinking forward to Unit 3 — perhaps you will want to make a video! Yes you have the option to work in the genre of video for that last project.

    MOre on all that as we move into Unit 2 and 3 which are connected.

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