Mentor Text Analysis of Podcast- Joshua A.

“The Truth About Your Seat Belt” by Molly Cleary

“Shots Fired” by Alina Kulman 

“Depression Memes and Me: Why I Stopped Looking at Depression Memes” by Zuheera Ali

“Alexa, the Start of the Robot Revolution” by Silas Bartol and Mila Barnes-Bukher

The podcast I decided to write about was “The Truth About Your Seat Belt” by Molly Cleary. The title can inform us that the podcast will be about seatbelt whether people use them or not. Molly uses can a very effective method for the intro, she starts by asking sum students in her school whether they use seatbelts or not. Most of the students said yes, they use their seatbelts in the car to keep them safe, but an unusual response came at the end which was a “no”. I noticed Molly used many different sounds to get her points across to make the podcast intersecting to keep listening. Molly also starts to use statistics to justify what she is trying to prove. “Almost 80% of American wear they seatbelts in the car while Almost 20% don’t.” Then she beginnings to bring up how there aren’t laws to enforce wearing seatbelts in the car, how sum countries have but of course American does not. The podcast builds themes by the same topic brought up every time about the safety of wearing seatbelts. Molly voice gives narrator and commercial vibes, she’s saying her information little by to get her points across. The podcast started off as an interview-based podcast then an information-based podcast. It seems like Molly choose this topic because she has personal story not seatbelts not being wore in the car. Molly used many different types of music tones first sad then it starts to get uplifting has she closes to provide a message about not wearing seatbelts in the car. Molly using pathos to appeal the readers/listens emotions to make them want to feel sympathy for the people in the accident that were caused by not wearing seatbelts. She also using Ethos because the way she trying to get her point across with the music and the voice is very persuasive. I emulate the way she starts her podcast asking people about her question. But one thing I’ll try to stay away from is just saying information to the audience I’ll try and engage with the audience. I chose this one because I like the way she constructed her podcast it is very well put. She had an idea and she carried it out very well.

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