Practice Summary – Kayla

Part 1 MLA Citation –

Berliner, Wendy. “Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 28 Jan. 2020,

Part 2 Summary

In the article Schools Are Killing Curiosity by Wendy Berliner, Argues that students need time to develop their curiosity. Studies show when teachers neglect questions it hinders student growth. Berliner paints a scene inside of a classroom, students find themselves distracted with the thunder and lightning right outside of there window. The children eagerly pointed and spew questions regarding the lightning .But the teacher quickly swift the subject back to the learning target shooting down there curiosity. Research found by Susan Engel leading international authority on curiosity in children, found that elementary students aske 2 to 5 questions in a 2 hours frame as the students progress in age stop asking questions altogether in two hours stretches 6 years and 11 year old’s failed to ask there students a single question. Berliner proposes a solution children should be encouraged to ask questions even if its challenging for teachers. There shouldn’t be any excuses like for example there isn’t enough time for questions teachers should make time.



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