Practice Reflection – Daniela

In the article ” Schools are killing curiosity “, Wendy Berliner includes the perspective of Paul Howard Jones, professor of neuroscience and education at Bristol university. He explains that ” Humans learn from novelty situations and curiosity is important to that process. ” I agree with this statement. It definitely shows why curiosity is important to the learning process, and recognizes how detrimental it could be for younger children to not have that creative outlet. Instead of their questions being discouraged and seen as a disruptive, they should be enhanced and encouraged.

1 thought on “Practice Reflection – Daniela”

  1. If you are picking a quote to agree with, you need to deal with the words and the quote give your own original thoughts on those words. What is a novelty situation? In your own words and your own original thinking you need to discuss that idea from the quote.

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