RAB Proposal Paragraph – Jeremiah Owusu

My research Question is “How does less hours of sleep affect my academic career as a college student”? This topic interests me because I am a college student and I have experienced no hours of sleep and doing school work at the same and it isn’t the best combination so this topic is very relevant to my experiences. I was reading a news article a while ago and it was showing a chart. The chart was showing statistics on how students who don’t have a full night sleep for 7 hours they do not do well academically. Furthermore, I always had an aspiration in preaching how a good night sleep can affect you mentally, physically and even emotionally. I already know that it is hard for majority of college students to sleep at night especially a school night. I also already know the reason why it is hard for them including me, to have a full night of sleep because of playing games, being on social media, talking all night ,even studying sometimes and so much more. Many college students tend to forget the impact of all this though and that wonder why their academics is affected. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about is how can we as college students can construct proper time management in our lives so we could do anything we do usually in the night in the day so we could sleep on time. Another thing I would like to explore is if campuses have any resources for students who have struggle sleeping at night. The final thing is I want to explore how can sleepless nights affect your communication amongst your peers, roommates, friends and etc.




1 thought on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Jeremiah Owusu”

  1. Hi Jeremiah, I find your research question quite fascinating because I have experience these every single day and I was wondering what would be the main factor of why college students not getting enough rest. I think it’s mostly social media but I can’t wait to find out what your research says instead.

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