Practice Reflection – Angel Sanchez

Part 3 Reflection –

In the article, “Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn” by Wendy Berliner, the author stated, “The questions they asked were aimed at improving their results, whereas the questions asked by more curious students were aimed at understanding a topic more deeply.” The reason I chose this specific section is to talk more about Curiosity nurturing and the impact of education. I believe That its really important nurturing students’ natural curiosity and how it can lead to more engaged and motivated learners. When I was in middle school in the 8th grade, I was never into social studies and interested in learning about history. Until a topic about how WW2 and Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I was so curious about this topic and how it affected the people. I asked more questions on parts that I didn’t understand and when our class got assignments, I was able to answer questions on it more easily. We proceeded the lesson for a week and this one day our class was watching a video about the topic. My question was declined 3 times because I was asking “to many question.” This proceeded to drop down my eagerness into learning more about the topic and it had a impact on me doing the assignments because it was harder to stay focus or to be interested in the topic which made me avoid learning anything new. 

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