Practice Reflection– Savion

I am able to agree and relate to many of the points Berliner stated. She mentions how the older kids get the less questions we start to ask. I can relate to this as I feel like the older I got the less questions I asked. I felt like I started to ask less questions because I didn’t want to seem stupid or I felt like I was old enough to figure out the questions I had myself. Berliner also mentions how teachers discouraged students asking questions because they needed time to finish their lesson. I feel like when I was in elementary or middle school teachers would always  seem so rushed to get out what they had to say. They barely even gave any attention to the students. They would always say “leave questions for the end,” but by the time we would get to the end of the lesson I would forget my question. This would discourage me from wanting to keep asking questions. It just started to feel useless.

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