Practice Reflection-Nyazia B.

I agree with the information the author presents. I agree with what the author presented because i’ve had the same experience growing up in school. In elementary school up to 6th grade i was a very talkative kid , i was curious about a-lot of things and would like to ask questions and get the teachers talking sometimes about topics that weren’t important but i was curious and in a way they discouraged me or dismissed it and wanted me to focus on the lesson which gets very hard for me to stay too focus for so long and it was hard. Many teachers have made kids to believe even me that have any kind of curiosity and asking questions off topic is nothing but a distraction but don’t realize it’s how most students stay engaged in what they are learning and end up discouraging the students. I learned from the text that when you kill kids’ curiosity, they become disengaged in what is being taught. Discouraging kids especially in school forces them to become disconnected and negatively impacts them. Some kids learn in many different ways and forcing them to be quiet and learn the lesson how you want them too can cause some of them to drift apart from it and lose focus Encouraging kids to be curious and allowing them to ask questions and use their curiosity during the lesson helps them stay focused which can have a positive impact on how they do in school and how much they participle and engage in what the teacher is teaching. Kids are able to learn better and become more observant and understand on a different level by using their curiosity versus being t discouraged.

2 thoughts on “Practice Reflection-Nyazia B.”

  1. The way you explained it was good and make sure to look at your spelling in some places. The example you used to show that you have experienced it as well, showed your opinion on this.

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