Practice Reflection – Lisa Liu

Part 3 Reflection

I agree with the information from Wendy Berliner that children ask fewer questions as they enter school. More severely, as students get older they even do not ask questions to teachers anymore. From my experience, I had a science teacher in Junior High School who ignored some students from asking questions because that class was known to have students with behavioral problems. She commanded her students to copy the materials from the board and said “Just copy them down and don’t ask me questions now.” I’ve discovered she might have a prejudice against students who have behavioral issues as she assumed they can not ask good questions or they might not be important to the lesson. Therefore, she shut down the curiosity of those students who could have the possibility to understand better and improve themselves. However, the discouragement from the teachers hinders their curiosity and willingness to learn. My teacher’s actions affected me to fear of asking, leading me less curious. I learned from the article from Wendy Berliner that a lot of kids experience the same problem as they are being arranged in the education system. This also hints that the educational system is responsible for this concern and should provide time for students’ curiosity.

4 thoughts on “Practice Reflection – Lisa Liu”

  1. I agree when students get older, the question starts to become absent. I feel this because when they were young their questions were never answered or looked at.

  2. You have valid points, but one thing made me realized after reading your reflection. Is it the education system to blame or is it the teachers that are just there to get paid to blame for students not being curious enough? What does the learning in the education system mean?

  3. I agree with the points you make in you reflection. It is really the teacher faults or the educational systems fault that we are discouraged to as question. teachers are forced to get through there whole lessons because of our educational system. You make good points on expanding on the topic and thinking about it in a bigger picture.

  4. I like that you included your own experience, and connected it to the reading. It is very relatable and I agree that after curiosity is discouraged , it is difficult to have the willingness to learn new things.

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