Practice Reflection — Joshua A.

Part 3- Reflection

I agree with Berliner’s information in the article because I have experienced it before. I remember when I was in 7th grade, and I tried to ask the teacher a question. She rudely responded with “Wait I’m teaching”. I was confused because I thought teachers were there to help the students succeed. So why couldn’t she stop teaching for a second and answer my question so I could better understand? Berliner wrote his article very well; I say this because the way she uses information from other sources shows she knew what exactly she wanted to write about and connected the sources very well. One thing I can possibly say she adds is more experiences with the kids’ questions not being answered because the teachers are killing curiosity. 

1 thought on “Practice Reflection — Joshua A.”

  1. Hey Joshua, I do agree with you. Berliner really does do a great job honing in on teachers killing curiosity. I am sorry that your teacher has responded in that manner and hopefully the educational systems improve. I don’t know why some teachers discourage students when they are meant to help them either. Overall I do think that you did a great job on this reflection and putting in your experience to support your agreement.

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