Summary Practice — Joshua A.

Part 1 – MLA Citation 

Berliner, Wendy. “‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, 28 Jan. 2020. The Guardian, 

Part 2 – Summary

In the article “Schools Are Killing Curiosity’ : Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn” , by Wendy Berliner main idea is that the school aren’t allowing kids express her minds and questions and killing their curiosity. The first supporting detail the Berliner talks about how by the age of 10 and 11 kids stopped trying to ask question in class because they would just get ignored. Another justifying detail in the article is about when a student named Zoe who tried to ask a question, but was shut down by the teacher because it was learning time, not a time to ask questions. This is clear example of the teacher killing the students’ curiosity. Lastly Berliner also says that it’s the teacher fault in the effect of why children curiosity is dying. Teachers aren’t allowing kids to ask questions so they can fully understand what is being taught, but according to the article it isn’t happening. 

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