Summary Practice – Dessire

Part 1- MLA Citation

Berliner, Wendy. “‘Schools Are Killing Curiosity’: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn.” The Guardian, 28 Jan. 2020. The Guardian,

Part 2- Summary

In the article “Schools Are Killing Curiosity: Why We Need To Stop Telling Children To Shut Up And Learn ,” Wendy Berliner tells us how the education system affects curiosity within children. Berliner reflects upon the “Ilminster Avenue Nursery School” in Bristol, to show how teachers neglected questions when their lesson had coincidentally connected to their current weather. As the study went on, Berliner incorporated research done by Susan Engel. Engel, a professor of developmental psychology at Williams College in Williams-town, Massachusetts , discusses how as children get older, they become less prone to asking questions. Along with this, Engel surveyed students and found out that higher performing students were conditioned into thinking that curiosity would risk their education. Berliner concludes that finding time to be curious is important and the educational system should follow up on children’s progress.

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