RAB proposal paragraph- Nyazia B.

My research question is should abortion be considered a human right? This topic interest me because as a young woman I am a part of the huge group of all women in USA who are concerned about the violation and rights taken away to control our own body. Abortion has been a topic for many years discussing whether abortion should be illegal or not and if woman should have the right to choose how they use that right which was the start of roe v wade. Many women and men are concerned with the pull back of abortion rights because it takes away a woman’s right to control her own body but also because abortion is not just as black and white as people see it. Many people do it because they have been through something traumatizing such as rape and they also do it because it is medically necessary. While others believe woman should not have access to it even if it is medically necessary because it takes away the life of a fetus. Over the years abortion has been a major issue and has not always been legal due to some people seeing it as inhumane and because of that roe v wade was overturned making it illegal in 24 states as of 2022. Since it has been overturned, many people are forced to carry their pregnancy to term no matter the situation. Abortion becoming illegal raises a risk in more women dying because they do not have the access to get a safe abortion and take matters into their own hands due to the circumstances. Since roe v wade has been overturned many women and men have decided to voice their anger about losing a right to control their own bodies and are protesting all over as well as donating and speaking out against roe v wade being overturned which is something I do as well. Some points I plan to explore and find out more about are how much are woman affected by the stigma that surrounds abortion leading it to become illegal, should it only be okay under certain circumstances and lastly does abortion being illegal create more harm than good. 

2 thoughts on “RAB proposal paragraph- Nyazia B.”

  1. Could you reword to express — as a young woman you are part of the huge group of all women in the USA just like yourself who are deeply concerned about the violation against all women’s right to control her own body. You are part of a nationwide movement deeply concerned and fighting to KEEP women’s rights — SAY SOMETHING ABOUT BEING PART OF A HUGE NATIONWIDE MOVEMENT. After all it’s in the news all the time now and presidential candidates are all talking about it. US men and women are concerned about the pull back of abortion rights. SAY SOMETHING PASSIONATE — SHOW YOUR PERSONAL PASSION FOR THIS TOPIC — aren’t women all over the country energized and protesting. What was the status quo a few months ago? How was Roe v Wade overturned just this past year? What are you, NYAZIA, going to do about it?

    Correct your language for clarity — for example: It has been a very controversial topic that some believe it takes away the rights of what women should be able to do with their bodies [better way to say?] while others believe it’s better to not have access to it [better way to say] because it’s saving a life [clarify who’s life]. 

    Correct sentence errors throughout.

  2. Hi Nyazia! I think this is a really interesting topic to research about. I feel like in society, many men think they get to speak for women’s bodies whether they can get a abortion or not. As a young woman myself, I am also concerned about the rights taken away from our own body.  

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