RAB Proposal Paragraph – Lisa Liu

My research question is: “Does Chinese parenting work?  Are the kids happy and are they successful? Is there a difference in Chinese parents’ eyes?” This topic interests me because I have a pair of typical Chinese parents whereas the tiger mom is always strict and the cat dad is always timid. When I was a child, my mom liked to encourage me to learn and study hard because that could give me a nice future. At the same time, my dad agreed and also convinced me more tenderly. Even though I perceived that they were doing it for my best, this morality abducted my freedom in some way. This typical Chinese parenting caused me to have very rebellious reactions such as not listening and not wanting to do things her controlling way. Chinese parenting has very much influenced my personality and my life decisions. I already know that many children are affected by their Chinese parents in the way of comprehension and personality. This is because Chinese parents always have high standards and want their children to have the best results and sources. Also, I already know that children often are being pushed forcefully to achieve their academic goals. However, these approaches can lead kids to feel overwhelmed and rebellious while kids are in their adolescence and development period. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are the outcomes of Chinese parenting and the difference between being successful and happy in Chinese parenting.

3 Possible Sources:

  1. Cha-Hsuan Liu. “‘The Secret of Tiger Moms’ | Cha-Hsuan Liu | TEDxAmsterdamED.” TEDx Talks, 14 June 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgAJkpclV9M.‌
  2. Chua, Amy. “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.” WSJ, Wall Street Journal, 8 Jan. 2011, www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754.‌
  3. Kaye, Heather. “Opinion | China Helped Raise My American Kids, and They Turned out Fine.” The New York Times, 18 Jan. 2023, www.nytimes.com/2023/01/18/opinion/china-education-parenting-culture.html.‌

2 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Lisa Liu”

  1. Hi Lisa, from your proposal I can tell this topic is very personal. Due to your close connection to the topic, I feel it works best to view the issue from your perspective and the provided resources. Mental health awareness is rising and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic still linger in to present day. Your proposal is specific with proper and formal vocabulary.

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