RAB proposal paragraph – Daniela

My research question is why is sleep so important? This topic interests me personally because I didn’t know how much it really mattered. I wasn’t aware of the big role it plays in your mental and physical health. Especially being a student that is always going from one place to another, being on a few hours of sleep is exhausting. The difference of having had enough rest that night and being exhausted is very clear. Your mood , focus level, and overall state of mind. However it also can affect someone health wise. There are so many diseases, that can stem from constant exhaustion.



Why Do We Need Sleep?


2 thoughts on “RAB proposal paragraph – Daniela”

  1. This is an interesting topic because I tend to not sleep as much as I should. I can tell that not getting a good rest affects my day. Especially when I only get around four hours of sleep for school or work, it really makes me feel drained throughout the day. Your topic is great and I can’t wait to read more about it.

  2. Hi Daniela, I find your research question interesting because I feel like I don’t get enough sleep especially on school days, I would like to know the reason why. I look forward to what you find.

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