RAB Proposal Paragraph – Bri

My research question is: How does social media affect young girls negatively? This topic interests me because, when I was in high school, I witnessed firsthand how social media has a negative effect on young girls. There was this one time where a girl in my gym class posted a picture, and she received a comment that said, “You’re fat.” After that, her whole day was ruined, and she looked down while in school. There were plenty of other times that something similar happened. Seeing hateful comments on social media can ruin somebody’s whole day. I already know that cyberbullying happens a lot online. I also know it is a reason for some people to fall into depression. It also has a lot to do with the fear of missing out, because people feel sad when they see other people having fun when they are bored at home. I want to explore how social media has a lot to do with affecting mental health. Another thing I want to know more about is how social media messes up self-confidence. I also might research why young girls spend so much time on social media.

MLA Citations for 2 Sources that I Plan to Use:

Bennett, Jessica. “Being 13.” The New York Times, 20 Sept. 2023. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/09/20/well/family/13-year-old-girls-social-media-self-esteem.html

Martin, Jim. “Opinion: How to Protect Teens from Social Media.” The Denver Post, 18 Apr. 2023. DenverPost.com, https://www.denverpost.com/2023/04/18/mental-health-teen-crisis-youth-suicide-social-media/

Here is one more source:

https://youtu.be/soHn6t_jjIw?si=2zIhgHc1ZqM6PBm6 (TedTalk)

5 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Bri”

  1. Excellent proposal — full of CSD and interesting!

    Revise “this girl” — only if you are pointing to something or someone next to you do you use “this” — otherwise use a girl.

  2. Hi Bri, I’m also doing the same research question! I think this topic is a really interesting topic to talk about because you can really see how much social media affects us as young girls’ mental health and what they cause us to do and think. Your last sentence is also great because I wonder the same. 

  3. Hi Bri, I do love that you have chosen to write about this topic. There are many minds affected by social media and it has been seen that comments from others may make you rethink how you feel about yourself. There are many young girls especially who have been through negativity and it makes me wonder; How would we be able to stop this?

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