RAB Proposal Paragraph- Sindy J.

My research question is: “How does social media affect a young girl’s image of herself?”

This topic interests me because when I got my first phone in middle school, I looked at celebrities and compared myself to them because they were perfect. This made me focus on all my flaws, which created insecurities in me. Social media can make you see all those insecurities just because you don’t look like the people defined as perfect. I already know that social media can be a very negative space for young girls. Cyberbullying can ruin a young girl’s confidence by bringing up new insecurities just because someone mentioned it. Social media is also a deceiving space because many celebrities have had surgeries done or use filters to change their appearances and post it online. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are how many young girls started using social media at a young age, and how it affects the way they see themselves. 

Woo, Erin. “Teenage Girls Say Instagram’s Mental Health Impacts Are No Surprise.” The New York Times, 5 Oct. 2021. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/technology/teenage-girls-instagram.html.  

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