Writing Task Mentor Quote – Jeremiah O.

“I mean look at your grades you think you can make honor roll”. In 2019 in South Bronx, I had just started High School, it was a new environment for me, We was a small school half a floor in another School. I had just finished health and I was on my way to my 4th period class with a few friends. Whilst we was walking we stopped by the honor roll board, and I said to my friends watch in three months time you will see my name on that board… Seconds later my Global History teacher Ms. Kevins passed me and basically in a gist told me i cannot make it on that board. I was confused in why she said that it had just been three weeks in, Have I been doing that poor in her class. I started asking my self questions to see if she was probably right.

Then I realized thought maybe me and my friends having a few giggles is what ochestrated my teacher to say that to me. I was shocked, however, That made me want to even be on it more then ever now because I knew my capabilities. I worked hard in all my classes, mind you I had gotten my phone taken away before school started so It even made me study even more because there was nothing for me to do. Me studying for fun made me attain so much knowledge that my teachers started to be confused in where this came from especially my Global History teacher, she never asked however I had a feeling because every time I handed in my paper she always gave a funny face.

It even got to a point in class she will tell me to take the test in front of the class because she didn’t trust me. so what she would do is look at me through the whole entire test. No matter what was going on around me, wether students was cheating, conversating, standing to look at others answers she just wanted me to fail basically. She never suceeded though, She had no choice but to give me the high grade i deserve. December came, the new list came out and I was pronnuced as a new member of the honors. The school had a little ceremony with some small finger foods inside of the school cafeteria to celebrate the honors then my Global history teacher came towards me whilst my head was down facing the cafeterira table trying to take a nap. She tapped me and commended me on my honor roll achievement. She then apologized for belittling me of Course I forgave her, however, she didn’t need to apologize for real because she didn’t hurt me, it made me better and stronger I used that quote Ms.Kevins told me as motivation to be better everyday not to only prove to people you can do it, but to prove to yourself you can do it.

1 thought on “Writing Task Mentor Quote – Jeremiah O.”

  1. “I mean look at your grades you think you can make honor roll.”

    In 2019 in South Bronx, I had just started High School. It was a new environment for me, We was a small school half a floor in another School. I had just finished health and I was on my way to my 4th period class with a few friends.

    Whilst we was walking we stopped by the honor roll board, and I said to my friends, “Watch in three months time you will see my name on that board.”…

    Seconds later my Global History teacher Ms. Kevins passed me and basically in a gist told me, “You cannot make it on that board. I mean look at your grades you think you can make honor roll?”

    I was confused in why she said that it had just been three weeks in,

    “Have I been doing that poor in her class.?’ I started asking my self questions to see if she was probably right.

    Then I realized although maybe me and my friends having a few giggles is what orchestrated my teacher to say that to me. I was shocked, however, That made me want to even be on it more then ever now because I knew my capabilities.

    I worked hard in all my classes mind you I had gotten my phone taken away before school started so It even made me study even more because there was nothing for me to do. Me studying for fun [CSD concrete specific details on what you did differently now – WHAT made studying “fun” now? Did you start going to afterschool tutorin? Did you stay afterclass in the Global Teachers Study hall? Did you read more carefully – WHAT new study skills did you learn?,]  made me attain so much knowledge that

    my teachers started to be confused in where this came from especially my Global History teacher, she never asked however I had a feeling because every time I handed in my paper she always gave a funny face. [Create a Scene here – More CSD]


    [COULD YOU CREATE A SCENE HERE? It even got to a point in class she will tell me to take the test in front of the class because she didn’t trust me. so what she would do is look at me through the whole entire test. No matter what was going on around me, wether students was cheating, conversating, standing to look at others answers she just wanted me to fail basically. She never suceeded though, She had no choice but to give me the high grade i deserve.


    December came, the new list came out and I was pronnuced as a new member of the honors.


    All the new honors members were invited to a ceremony.


    The cafeteria was decked out in bright streamers. DESCRIBE the place!


    At the podium, the principal first spoke, “—”


    {HERE is a good place to create a SCENE!] The school had a little ceremony

    with some small finger foods inside of the school cafeteria to celebrate the honors then my Global history teacher came towards me whilst my head was down facing the cafeterira table trying to take a nap [Insert some dialogue here. Describe the SCENE with your head on desk and teacher tapping you].


    Ms. Kevins tapped me on the back. She said, “—-”


    I replied, “ —“


    and commended me on my honor roll achievement. She then apologized for belittling me of Course I forgave her, however, she didn’t need to apologize for real because she didn’t hurt me, it made me better and stronger I used that quote Ms.Kevins told me as motivation to be better everyday not to only prove to people you can do it, but to prove to yourself you can do it.

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