Writing task saved – Daniela

When I think back on my educational journey, I can definitely say test taking brings out the worst in me. The SAT test was awful for me, I studied a lot for it but the anxiety always got to me. I remember I took it 3 times. It didn’t really make a difference though. I froze up every time and forgot everything I’d studied for.

The root of the issue though was the anxiety of wanting to do good, and worrying I wouldn’t. The way i got over this was studying periodically beforehand, and reviewing quickly before. I did what I could and I wouldn’t stress it if i knew I tried my best.

1 thought on “Writing task saved – Daniela”

  1. THis is too short — there’s not much here.

    So did you learn a new study technique that saved you? IS this a new skill you learned and has it been a saving grace in other times of your Educational LIfe?

    So far — I haven’t read a HW from you that sounds like you have connected with one of the writing prompts. It’s important to find a subject or topic that will be the seed of your Ed Narrative. DO some thinking — READ THE STUDENT EXAMPLES — it might help you.

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