Writing Task Saved–Savion

Freshman year high school I didn’t have much to do. I went to school and went home. I hung out with my friends here and there but we were all so bored. We felt like there was nothing to do anymore. One day we were all sitting around in my friend’s backyard. We just finished a long basketball session. As we were sitting one of my friends brought up joining a football team. He was already on a football team called Kings Bay and the new season was about to start so they were looking for players. Me and 5 of my friends all ended up joining the team.

I still remember my first day of practice, The huge grass field, the smell of the trash from the back ends of sheepshead bay, the sun beaming down through the field goals, and all the younger team kids and parents were there as well. It felt like a little community. Even though this team was outside of school I still felt like it helped my education. It made me want to wake up in the morning and actually go to school so I can go play football after. I felt like I was actually a part of something and had somewhere to be. It taught me responsibility and discipline. I played football before but never on an actual team. We had practice 3 times a week. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. This helped me with my time management skills. Which is a good thing to learn while you’re young. I am able to apply my time management skills throughout my whole life not just through my educational journey. Football also helped me discover that I am stronger than I thought I was and that I could take on a beating. At the beginning I used to be very nervous in games. But after getting tackled a few times it helped me realize I can take a hit or two. This helped me with my anxiety control.

Joining that team helped shape who I am today. It showed me to always try new things. Even if you are unsure of the outcome. I was able to apply a lot of the things I learned from football into my educational journey. I started to become open to trying new things which helped me learn even more about myself. You never know till you try!

3 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved–Savion”

  1. I agree with you about the fact that a team can help shape the person you are today. The soccer team I joined not only was a team but It became a family to me. It helped me meet new people and expand my horizons. I never thought I would like playing soccer, so yes you never know until you try it. Soccer helped did help me with anxiety and anger because when I was made I would just release my anger through the game.

  2. OK this is good.

    NOW you need to choose some places that would make good scenes.

    Here’s a place that would make a good scene: my first day of practice, The huge grass field, the smell of the trash from the back ends of sheepshead bay, the sun beaming down through the field goals, and all the younger team kids and parents were there as well. It felt like a little community. MORE DETAILS — how did you play that day? What did it feel like to be running there on the field? and describe “felt like a community” — DESCRIBE — arms around each other? talking like long time friends?

    A big part of this (if you turn this into the big essay) HOW did you change/transform? What did learn? SHOW how learning on the football field translated to learning better at school? Be specific — What classes? or WHAT skills? SHOW me with details of your school life getting better or having more meaning or your social life improving at school and feeling more happy at school — IDK, but you do, so SHOW more.

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