Writing Task Saved – Bri

When I joined the yearbook club, my life did a 180. Before being a part of it, I would arrive at school three hours later than I was supposed to. I had no care in the world about arriving at my classes on time. I became involved when I saw students with cameras taking pictures. I figured out what club it was and signed up. While signing up, I got a warning from my guidance counselor that I cannot be late to school while in this club because it is a big responsibility. From then on, I knew I had to change my ways.

I loved this club because of the teacher who taught it and the fun activities we got to do. We got to go around the school to take pictures of other seniors. As well as decorate the yearbook cover and the pages. The teacher who led the club was Mr. Pipitone. He was an Italian man with a fringed-up haircut who always wore a solid-colored shirt with blue jeans. He had a funny personality and always gave the best advice. The club changed me because I ended up not being late for school anymore. Mr. Pipitone motivated me to get to school and focus on my schoolwork more. He made me realize how important my classes were. I discovered that I am more than capable of arriving at school on time, if I really want to be on time. The yearbook club taught me a lot about deadlines and how crucial it is to not miss any deadlines. This club was always the highlight of my day because I had it with my best friend. Overall, this club changed me for the better.

5 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved – Bri”

  1. I like the way a club impacted your live and helped improve your ways. I also feel like you had that encouragement you needed to push yourself to become the best person you can be. Im glad you was surrounded by people you knew and was familiar with so it made you feel comfortable.

  2. I’m really proud of you that you were able to change on the lateness. I feel like one teacher can make a huge difference. A teacher that is willing to be patient, caring and understands, can impact a student and make their experience way better cause I also had a few teachers back in elementary school and they made my elementary journey unforgettable and they were the reasons why I was so excited to go to school.

  3. It is very nice you can change your thinking of lateness through attending this club. And I agree that you said you are more than capable of arriving school on time if you wanted to be on time. Usually, we might find certain reasons to fill in the guilt of being late or missing deadlines but actually if we think about it, it can work out if we really want to. I’m happy that you can find a way to “save” yourself from being inactive in school to notice the importance of lateness and deadlines.

  4. Being a part of something where everyone has the same goal is always in your best interest. I am glad that the yearbook club you joined helped you improve your lateness. Clubs are like teams , and I’m sure everyone got something out of being part of it, just like you did.

  5. You are a good writer, Bri! I believe we talked about this writing in class Wednesday.

    Good description of Mr. P. You write: The teacher who led the club was Mr. Pipitone. He was an Italian man with a fringed-up haircut who always wore a solid-colored shirt with blue jeans. He had a funny personality and always gave the best advice. — NOW can you add a few of his words of advice OR words that show he is funny? Was he a mentor figure for your school life?

    How did he “motivate[d] me to get to school and focus on my schoolwork more. He made me realize how important my classes were.” SHOW me a convo you had with him, set up the scene show me when where what (the 5 W’s) he made you realize that classes were important.

    Then — Can you pick a few places to create a scene? Your best memory of a “fun activity” that characterizes why that class became so special to you? What was his room like? What artistic things were on the walls? What were your friends from the club like? Reach back into your memory for the best scenes that SHOW me why this class club made a difference in your life.

    ALSO include — how it impacted yoru school academkc performance OR impacted your school social life.

    REad some of the example student Ed Narratives. Student Adrian wrote about how the Tech CLub changed his school life.

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