Writing Task Mentor Quote Negative- Sindy

During my senior year, I got seniorities bad specially for my last class which was calculus. I only had 6 periods, but it was a really a struggle for me to go to that class specially when my friends ended 5th period. I was always tempted to skip my last classes at least 1-2 times a week. It was December and I was sitting in his class, bored out of my mind not being able to concentrate on what he was saying because I already got the new topic, so I was scribbling on my notebook. It was 10 min before the bell rang and he started giving us our test back and when he came my way he said, “you see you should start coming to class more often.” He said it in a joking way, so I just half smiled at him and took my paper. I looked down at the paper and by that time he already left to finish handing you the rest of the tests. I got a 75 and I wasn’t that shocked because the day of the test I wasn’t feeling so well so I knew I made mistakes carelessly. I put my paper away in my bookbag and then the bell rang, and I thought “it was just one test.”

After what he said, I knew he doubted me in keeping my grades high but that was only one test out of the many that I have gotten 90’s and up on. I wasn’t going to prove him right and instead show him that I can keep my grades high even though I didn’t go to class. I would still skip his class one or twice a week and just made sure to study harder for my tests. I’ve always been pretty good at math and pick it up quickly so it wasn’t too hard for me since I would skip towards the end of the week we’re they would just be doing examples of what he already taught. In the end, I managed to keep my overall average a 94 because one of the subjects that I was good at was always math, so I managed to prove him wrong in the end which felt good. 

3 thoughts on “Writing Task Mentor Quote Negative- Sindy”

  1. I can relate with your senioritis, even when I had two major important classes in my schedule I had lost motivation to complete most assignments. I too was pretty good at any subject. I did not have to work hard to understand the subject. During my senior year I felt I was living a constant cycle of wake up, travel, school, eat, travel, homework, and sleep. There was barely any change to my routine. I had no major aspiration other than graduating. It was really hard for me to complete this assignment because I am not an outgoing person. However, this assignment made me reflect on my high school curriculum and experience. I feel that I must change my approach on how much I want to participate and be active while in college. I am glad to read that you were able to stay afloat and not fail the class.

  2. I relate to the senioritis so much i knew my grades wouldn’t slip because i did the work and did what i needed to when i was there so i’d stay home a lot and even when i was there i would just leave because i didn’t really care but then they started to and id hear from one of my teachers about how its important to pass and we have to think about college and i used to just ignore her until my grades started to slip so i then took it more seriously especially for classes i need to pass and forced me to take a look at what and how i’ve been doing in school and what i could do to change it. Im glad you took that as a way to stay on top of everything most people would’ve just accepted it but i know it felt great to be able to prove him wrong and i’m glad you did

  3. My senior year was similar to yours. I would get out 5th period yet I would skip my last class sometimes. It was gym class and we did absolutely nothing. There was no work, no actual class or anything. We would just sit on the gym 1 balcony, chilling for the entire period. My teacher had warned me that if I kept skipping that I would fail but by the end of it I still had a 94 in that class as well. I’m glad to see that you passed the class regardless and still stayed focus on what most mattered.

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