Writing task saved – Nyazia B

During my middle school years there were many times when i had to overcome someones mistaken perception of my ability and it made things very difficult for me. In the 7th and 8th grade i struggled with math , it was the hardest subject for me and i was made to feel like i was dull-witted by my which discouraged me a lot.I struggled a lot with passing those classes and even thought i wouldn’t be able to graduate while all my friends would. It wasn’t something someone said to me, it was the lack of help i had & motivation while the teacher didn’t care if i passed or failed and turned all her attention to the “smart kids.”

This experience left me feeling really incapable when it came to that and i developed a fixed mindset on the subject all the way into high school. I never put much effort into coming up with a solution to help myself and trying to become better until my junior year in high school.When it came time to start talking about college and careers i had a talk with my guidance counselor who helped me see that if i didn’t apply myself how would i get any better and it was time to start taking school seriously because soon it would lead to something way more. I took everything else serious because of that because i was good at it so i applied less of myself when it came down to it but since then i’ve been trying and taking step that will help like tutoring or even just having the teacher help me 1 on 1 which is a big thing for me because i hate to ask for help. I still suck at math but i’ve gotten better hen i chose to actually applying myself instead of believing that because i couldn’t do it or it was hard i just shouldn’t try and it has helped my school performance drastically not only in just that.

3 thoughts on “Writing task saved – Nyazia B”

  1. When I was in middle school, I saw how some teachers really don’t care to help the kids that need it and wouldn’t like repeating them selves. It sucks how they do that and wonder why your grades are low.

  2. I agree with you about certain teachers are careless to students who are not that active compared to the “smart kids”. I also encountered situations like lacking help and motivation. Even though I also hate to ask for help, but keep in mind, it may be harder to face things without help. One different thing is that my guidance counselor in high school did not give any good advices to me and wasn’t even communicating with me about any problems. It is very lucky that you are able to transfer your mindset to believe in yourself and trying things in your best.

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