Writing Task Mentor Quote- Kayla W

“Who nuh hear muss feel”

My mother’s words haunted me, forever engraved into the back of my mind following me like a shadow. If I had a dollar for how many times I heard this growing up I would be rich. Here I was in middle school One of my close friends and I at the time fell out over a stupid argument my mother always warned me about keeping certain aspects of my life private and that your personal business shouldn’t be shared with just any “friend” but me being me, of course, I didn’t listen or heed her warnings.

I took matters into my own hands and went blabbing my mouth. As soon as we got into an argument she went right to tell her own whole friend group that didn’t include me in my business. Which began to spread around. Not only did I feel bad that everyone knew personal things about me but I felt bad that didn’t listen to my mother’s advice. All I could hear over and over again in my head was this old Caribbean saying “Who nuh hear muss feel” Put simply if you don’t heed the warning of others you must deal with the consequences. After this incident, I never doubted or overlooked any advice my mom gave me because I knew it was for my benefit.

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