Success Tips- Jeremiah Owusu

One Tip that spoke to me personally was Understanding Deadlines. I will use this tip in class by not procrastinating, so that if i even do it before it is due I can give the work to my professor to revise it for me. So before time for the due date i’ll have excellent work to give in . I use to be bad in keeping up with deadlines back in HS, and Middle School even Elementary School and I don’t intend in keeping that bad habit in college. Reason why I don’t want to because that is going to bring so much stress on you and it’s probably not going to be your best work, so your professor can’t even see the actual capabilities you carry.

Another Tip that spoke to me personally was asking for help. I will use this tip by not being shy to speak out on something i’m confused about or don’t get in class. I have had this problem since Elementary School and I realized in college I am doing better and i feel less hesitant to ask questions after or during class. I still feel a little hesitant in asking during class though, however, it not as bad as before it is all a process though. The reason why I have this issue because sometimes I will feel i’m bothering the teachers, well in this case Professors. Reason why I felt that because in topics I want to understand but don’t take as much interest in it takes me a while to understand. I am trying to break out that shell so i can do better.

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