Writing Task Mentor Quote–Savion

“Do whatever makes you happy in life as long as it puts food on the table”

My cousin told me as he was dropping me off from work. Junior year summer going into senior year I worked at a summer camp. My cousin picked me up from work and while driving home we were talking a lot about college and careers. My cousin always told me things as is. He is always very straightforward with me. My cousin went to Brooklyn college and got his associates degree but he never finished his bachelor degree. That is because he started a drop shipping business.

My family’s goal is very straightforward. Go to school, get your degree in whatever you desire and do whatever you want after that. My cousin was very close to completing this straightforward path my family has painted. But my cousin started his drop shipping business with a few of his friends in his second year of college. By his third year of college his main focus was basically his business. He still has never finished college to this day and is still drop shipping. This did not come across very well with his parents, But he was able to prove that he is making a good enough living off of it. To this day he has been grinding away at his business with his friends and they have come such a long way. He owns office space now and I was even able to work there in the summer of 2021 and learn a thing or two.

This inspires me in many ways. This shows me that there isn’t just one path. You can do other things in life; it doesn’t always have to be college and education. My cousin inspires me to also start some kind of business or a hustle of my own. He motivates me everyday to grow up and be different. Drive cool cars, wear expensive clothing and always go on vacations. My goal in life is to at least get my bachelors degree in data science before I go out and try to run a business. If the business doesn’t work out I can always just get a job with my degree and go from there.

4 thoughts on “Writing Task Mentor Quote–Savion”

  1. My family has the same goals for me. I love when I see people take their own path and not listen to what their parents want for them. I agree. There are many different paths you can take. College is not for everyone, and it’s okay to follow your heart. It’s always good to have a backup. I like your mindset. You can always use your bachelor’s degree to find a job if what you want to do doesn’t work out.

  2. I totally agree! You can do many things in life and you don’t have to focus on one thing. And sometimes you don’t always have to listen to your parents about what you need to do in life. It’s your life and it’s your choice. As long as it makes you happy and it’s something you enjoy, that’s all it matters. And I wish you the best of luck in achieving your goal! 

  3. I felt as if this is relatable since my family is the same way. I’ve heard many stories of people dropping out of school to start their own business which eventually becomes successful. This helped me realize that there’s always another option even if school isn’t for me. However, I chose to follow the same path you did. With a bachelor’s degree, you can get a good starting job. I also admire the fact that you’re keeping your options open and know that you have a backup plan. I hope you achieve your goal and stay true to it even if times get hard.

  4. I agree with what everyone else says here. There are many paths to finding your career and what makes you happy — they don’t always include school!

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