Writing task mentor quote – Nyazia B

“Mommy’s so proud of you #prettyandsmartmydaughterisbetterthananyofyours”

I know most people might hear this from their parents or their guardian but for me it’s different when it comes from the only support system i have knowing she truly is proud of me and supports me through whatever i do and encourages me to make decisions even if she believes they are wrong. This was said to me on June 14,2020 at 11:55 am and i had just sent her my report card during the school year when Covid was still around. I hear how proud of me she is all the time and even when she doesn’t say it i still know and it just gives me the feeling of relief knowing i’m doing something right and someone out there is proud of me and watching me grow to become the person i aspire to e and is there to see and guide me though it. Although i hear it all the time this specific time means a lot to me and encourages me to keep going which is why i chose it. 

My mom has always been my only support system all i really know is her and supports me through everything that i do and everything that i am. This was during Covid and during that time i struggled a lot being the kid who was already an introvert i kept to myself and going into a new environment where i could get the chance to come out of that just to be taken away from it took a toll on me and my mental health. I never spoke to anyone how i was feeling. I went from feeling felt discouraged in anything i did , lonely , i wouldn’t apply as much as i usually would in school and everything was just at an all time low for me. Hearing those words knowing i was having such a hard time doing school online , constantly being in the house and my mental health slowly getting worse with the lack of motivation i had , feeling like i was doing everything wrong and feeling so discouraged hearing those words let me know i was doing everything right and i had something to show for it and still to this day even when i still may feel that way i know she’s always proud of me and it’s something i remember always. I’m so glad to have the support system that i do it keeps me going and motivates me constantly even when i am on the verge of giving up.

1 thought on “Writing task mentor quote – Nyazia B”

  1. Aww, this is so cute! I feel the same way when I make my parents proud. I love when they say they are proud of me because I feel like it helps them in a way see how great they are at parenting. When they speak highly of me, it makes my day. I can be having the worst day ever but when I hear my parents express how they feel about me, it is the best feeling. They push me to be the best I can with all their words of encouragement. 

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