Writing Task Mentor Quote — Joshua A.

“There’s a time and place for everything.”

I heard this every time I got in trouble in elementary and middle school. It means there’s time to focus on class and a time to talk to friends after class or lunch. Being the bad kid I was growing up I didn’t listen to it at first. But when I got older it made more sense. If you aren’t focused in class, how are you learning? My mom believes that if you do what you must do then the outcome is unless you can do anything.

It means a lot to me because my mom is the best mother in the world. She works comes home tired and cooks food every day. She also tries her hardest to talk to each of us about school and how it is going. She is my mentor because when I have kids, I want to raise them like my mom raised me. She worries about me and my siblings before herself that’s so selfless. 

2 thoughts on “Writing Task Mentor Quote — Joshua A.”

  1. I can relate to that as I was younger I was also a bad kid and I didn’t like following rules all that much. But I agree with you mom. If you stay focus and the task at hand the future is set. And life goals like that help u stay focus in thing you want to achieve.

  2. I believe your mother was trying to teach you to prioritize your education. Although the schooling system here can be unappealing to some, the want to excel academically can surpass any level of education. I feel that there is a connection with out immigrant parents wanting us to excel in school. They come from a background where education is not fundamental to make a living. As we grow up in a new setting they know that education can get us somewhere here, therefore they strive for us to not stray away from the path with education. I agree that there’s a time and place for everything, everything comes at its appropriate time. We should be careful with our decisions because it impacts our future.

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