Mentor quote- Zoila

“If it were easy, anybody would have done it but it’s not,So don’t give up”

As it’s about to hit 11:30 p.m  I am walking back to my house from the bus stop, I have a tight  pressure on my chest that doesn’t want to leave and I am exhausted from my culinary competition practice schedule . As I walk in through the door of the house I  see my mother smile at me.   Asking me “ how was your day today? How was practice?”.  I avoid eye contact and settle down on the chair next to me  and answer her questions with a short response. I keep my head down. I see that she prepared a plate of food for me on the table. Knowing I’m probably really hungry from today’s culinary practice.

             I look up at her with my eyes full of tears and say “ what if I’m not enough? What if I can’t? What if I lose?” She stares at me blankly, seeing how doubtful I feel and says “If it were easy, anybody would have done it but it’s not,So don’t give up”. “In the future you are going to be proud that you are making these sacrifices, don’t think about the what if’s because that’s not the reality.” You are enough and you can do this, I see it in you, I’ll always believe in you,I’ll always be proud of and support you win or lose. Just try your absolute hardest because you may never know the outcome if you don’t finish what you started.” I wipe my tears off my face and  soak up everything she says. I  feel that pressure lift off my chest and know that if I continue to try my hardest during practice I’ll succeed during my actual competition day. From that point on I didn’t doubt myself as much. I’ll never forget her words, to always have in mind that if you want something, to try your absolute hardest and don’t quit, those struggles and mental battles will pay off one day. It did pay off and I thank my mother for always being there for me, for  having faith in me even when I didn’t do so myself. 

2 thoughts on “Mentor quote- Zoila”

  1. The pressure of not being enough is very intense and debilitating. Without the support from our loved ones we are not able to withstand the insecurity of not being able to succeed. Most of the time all we need is moral support to for us to flourish in our goals. Nothing is ever easy, especially achieving our goals. Every time we overcome a challenge we are one step closer to completion. The best part of the challenges is the lesson we learn. The ability to surpass our own challenges gives us an empowerment to continue moving forward.

  2. As Teenagers of this society, I truly see all of us want to make it in life through two routes Legal or illegal. So trust me I feel the pressure of when sometimes you feel you amount to nothing because you aren’t succeeding in your desire. I came to realize though it is all a process you have to go through to be successful. You probably that only person who can burn all those bridges that other people couldn’t burn that why they didn’t succeed. So I for sure agree with the statement your mother made to you “If it were easy, anybody would have done it but it’s not,So don’t give up” because truly if it was that easy you wouldn’t feel the pressure you want to do well. A time is going to come where you will look back and be so happy you destroyed all the things that was in your way of making it. That’s why there is a saying “work now and enjoy later”. So this long run is all worth it so you could succeed in the finish line.

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