Writing Task Mentor Quote – Priyanka Komal 

“It’s what you want, not what everyone wants” 

I will always cherish these words spoken to me by my teacher. He was the type of person to listen then speak. He took everything I said and put it in perspective as when he was my age. When it was time to pick majors and college’s I was not sure what to do or who to talk to because my parents were always busy. My teacher was a very chill and open guy, he was also very friendly. I am grateful for him because he was like a supportive person I needed to be at the time.  

As a high school student at that time, and lacking experience with colleges and universities, I was not sure what was the right choice or the wrong choice. I was unsure what to look for in college. He was generous enough to sit down and talk to me and ask me about things I like and things I do not to get a better understanding of the type of person I was. From there he managed to help me pick a major which led me to Architecture and structure design.  

I will forever be grateful for not only his help but his time and effort. Many people would not be free or have the time to hear perspectives or situations due to the fact they were either busy or had more important things to do, which I do not blame anyone for. College was an important thing for me and picking the right path was also something I wanted to do. I felt like those words he spoke and kept it close to me not only as a student assistant but as a person. This made me feel like my choices were no one else to control, and I could have done anything I wanted if I was determined and wanted to achieve it.  

4 thoughts on “Writing Task Mentor Quote – Priyanka Komal ”

  1. Staying true to who you are is very important. Many will try to dictate your decisions and I am glad that you have chosen what you want to do. Choosing your career path can be difficult when you want everything to be perfect as well as to be the right decision for you. You’re doing great already and I truly do wish you luck.

  2. It’s good how you took the initiative to talk to someone about it and in the end it benefited you in a good way as you found your answer. I felt the same way in high school with choosing a college and wished I had someone like that to talk to about. I hope you succeed in your major!

  3. When it came time to decided to what i wanted to do as a career and applying to colleges i was a mess. I knew i wanted to be a nurse but as hesitant because i also knew i wanted to pursue something else but it needed to be what was right for me but me being the indecisive person i am it was so hard when the decision was left to me and i didn’t have help to be pointed in the right direction. i had no idea what to do or where to go. Its good that you had someone to talk to that listened and helped you with these things. I hope you are satisfied with the path you are going down and hope you succeed in what you want to do.

  4. Can you SHOW me by creating a SCENE WITH DIALOGUE?

    You write: my teacher. He was the type of person to listen then speak. He took everything I said and put it in perspective as when he was my age. WHAT is his name? DESCRIBE him (ADD to “chill” — MORE CSD concrete specific details — and WHERE the convo happened! WHAT did your counselor say? WHAT did you say?

    WHY is the quote referencing that “others” wanted things for you? CAN you give details about being pressured by parents, if this is the case? CAN you SHOW me that some outside forces were making you feel pressure? WHO was that? Would this be a good way to start the story? WIth a scene of being unsure what to study and pressured by parents? THEN move to finding no one at school who had time — then move to CONVO with MR. TEACHER (NAME???)


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