Success Tips – Priyanka Komal 

Tip 1: Participate- This tip is significant to me because I am a shy person and I do not like being called on or put on the spot. This makes me feel very awkward and nervous. I will try to use this to be open and communicate with my peers. Something I will do differently is when I understand something instead of being quiet, I will speak up and explain my point of view of something. I will try to communicate and share ideas with group members and elaborate on their perspectives to conclude the statement I am trying to make. This will be a way of participating in the class and receiving feedback if needed.  

Tip 2: Studying- I find this tip significant to me because I dislike studying and the thought of it bores me. I dislike reading books, especially textbooks because I get uninterested very quickly. I will try to improve by finding a way that works for me. For example, I focus well while listening to music and making flash cards. Something I will do differently is stay organized by color coordinating them based on information. This should help improve my studying skills.  

4 thoughts on “Success Tips – Priyanka Komal ”

  1. I feel the same way about studying, every time I study I get bored quick and I feel that I don’t learn anything. I like your idea about color coordinating I feel that it will be effective.

  2. I’m glad I chose to read yours because it improved my ability to study. Before you said it, I had never considered it in that manner. In order to increase my academic engagement, I intend to use those techniques.

  3. I totally agree with your point about participating. It is hard to participate when you are introverted but it’s very encouraging that you are able to show your P.O.V when needed. I also get bored when reading books but I prefer a quiet place without any sound distraction to study deeply.

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