Success Tips – Lisa Liu

Tip 1: Come to class (physically and mentally)

This tip combines physically and mentally attending classes because I think they are both important to the same extent. First, it is significant to come to class physically because not only you can know what lessons are being taught and also if there are any announcements being made. This speaks to me because I used to be absent occasionally with or without reasons. This action caused me to run into a damp situation. I would need to spend more time to figure out what was being taught on that day and have to ask several people about what important things had happened. Moreover, even coming to class can cause these things to happen if you are not being “mentally” attending class. By this means, coming to class mentally is to prepare materials and know what topics are going to cover that day. This is significant because not being prepared will lead to situations like professors asking you questions and you are unable to answer, projects due, and presentations etc. This tip also speaks to me because not going to class mentally is like not attending class physically. I would just like sitting without my soul. Therefore, from this tip I learned that coming to class physically and mentally is going to affect my process of keeping up and overall grades.

Tip 2: Understand Deadlines

This tip is significant because passing the deadlines can be very frustrating as there are chances that the professors aren’t going to give another strike without asking for extension beforehand. It really speaks to me because as I first attended college, I applied for a prerequisite summer course that was asynchronous and had in-person labs. I hardly survived in that course because I was not in the mode of paying attention and getting used to college. Unlike high school, it is common that teachers have leeway for students’ deadlines. However, as I transfer to college, I couldn’t manage the lessons and deadlines because a summer course is extremely overwhelming in a short time and I procrastinated a lot. Overtime, I fell behind and barely passed that summer class since college has less leeway with deadlines. After all, I will use this tip as my warning of failing a class. As of now, I will need to pay more attention to the deadlines and try to finish the assignments as early as possible.

3 thoughts on “Success Tips – Lisa Liu”

  1. Coming to class physically was one of the tips i chose to work on as well because its always been so hard for me and i would never had the motivation to get up and go to school. My motivation was completely gone when it came to school and what made it even worse was i didn’t really have consequences for doing. My grades were good but it was a terrible habit I’ve developed overtime and even when i was there I wasn’t really there which is why i agree with what you said about showing up physically. Showing up mentally and physically go hand and hand and showing up mentally is also a big thing for me because sometimes i get overwhelmed or maybe a little stressed or i just completely zone out during my classes because I’m not fully there or i due to stress or being overwhelmed or even just not listening because i wasn’t take it serious and it caused me to zone out. I’m working on showing up physically as well as being there mentally.

  2. Being physically and psychologically prepared for class on time is a commitment born out of understanding the value of timeliness to my academic achievement and personal development. It promotes time management and discipline skills, lowers stress, encourages active involvement, and is consistent with my goals for a prosperous future. It also demonstrates respect for my professors and peers. In the end, it’s a proactive decision that improves my overall educational process and strengthens my feeling of accountability and professionalism.

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