Success Tips- Dhanesh Persaud

One tip that stands out to me is tip #3. The reason why is because I naturally don’t like speaking out loud and in front of others. I plan on using this tip to help my professor and peers get a better understanding of who I am. I also plan to use it to help me understand others points of views or ideas and engage conversations about the topic we are learning. A habit of mine that I realized that needs to be changed is waiting for the teacher or peer to speak to me for me to apply myself. I plan on changing this by being more active and applying myself in discussions.

A second tip that stood out to me was tip #5. I realized that I have a tendency to procrastinate and end up handing my work in before the deadline approaches. I plan on using this tip in class by doing the assignment(s) when it is given or ASAP. It also comes in handy doing it early and understanding the work so that I can easily write my final draft. I also plan on using this tip by speaking to my professor about an extension if an unforeseen or unfortunate event occurs. I plan on pushing myself to stop being lazy and procrastinating. One way I can change my habit of procrastinating is by setting a reminder or doing the work piece by piece.

3 thoughts on “Success Tips- Dhanesh Persaud”

  1. Hi Dhanesh, I totally agree with your first tip I’m the same way. Im not that type of person to speak up or in front of large crowds it scares me sometimes and the feeling of being put on the spot is a little nerve wrecking. I feel like I agree with you about the things you need to change because I can relate to that.

  2. I agree with you because at times I can be too shy to speak but what helps me overcome that as well is that it helps others learn more about me. Since I was young I had a speak when spoken to mindset but as I got older I realized it’s okay to include my self in conversations that doesn’t include me. I also always procrastinate but recently I got better, I make sure I do the work as soon as it’s posted to get it out the way.

  3. I agree with you because at times I can be too shy to speak but what helps me overcome that as well is that it helps others learn more about me. Since I was young I had a speak when spoken to mindset but as I got older I realized it’s okay to include my self in conversations that doesn’t include me. I also always procrastinate but recently I got better, I make sure I do the work as soon as it’s posted to get it out the way.

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