Success Tips-Savion

Tip 1:

The first tip that I would like to improve on for myself is tip 2 coming to class (mentally). Attendance is never a problem for me. I've always been able to come to class on time. But some days I've realized my head is not in the game. I feel like this messes with how I take in information during my school day. This can also affect the quality of my work and therefore affect my grades as well. I also realized I never really had to prepare for assignments in high school because there just wasn't much to prepare for. It wasn't tough for me to get through those four years. But now in college, we have a much higher level of work, and preparing for class is almost a must. So something that I have to work on and get used to is to start preparing for all my classes more. Studying, bringing needed materials, work, etc.

Tip 2:

The second tip I would like to take in for myself is tip 5 understanding deadlines. It was very easy to just give in assignments during high school. Teachers would always take late work or even makeup work, Which made it very easy for students to procrastinate. Which is something I used to do myself. I would always wait till the last day to hand in assignments. Something I want to work on is managing all my assignments and prioritizing which one to do first depending on the due dates or length of the assignment. Something else I want to do differently is to start my assignments as soon as possible. This can help eliminate my procrastination habits.  

3 thoughts on “Success Tips-Savion”

  1. Hey, I do agree with the fact that we have to come to class mentally prepared. Being there physically but not mentally can cause you to not be engaged during classroom discussions. Understanding deadlines as well plays into students not having to stress themselves out or overwork themselves so that assignments don’t begin to pile up .

  2. I definitely think there’s a difference between high school and college when it comes to assignments. The teachers in high school will give you extended time to get your assignments done, they’re more lenient with it, however college seems to be more strict on deadlines and will mark points off for each day you’re late. I sometimes struggle with procrastinating. There’s days where I don’t have the motivation to do my work and then cram them up til the last minute to do it, which is not a good habit. But I will try not to procrastinate as much because I know it’s going to be overwhelming with all the assignments piling up.

  3. To be mentally ready for class starts from taking an effort by yourself. In many cases, it’s difficult because of circumstances that become obstacles. To be present mentally in class is important in order to fully understand the lesson of the day. Not being present mentally affects your mood and participation. In order to capture what is being taught we need to be ready mentally. Sometimes it is ok to not be fully present in classes, as long as we are able to use our resources such as office hours and groupchat, then we don’t have to worry about not being mentally present in class.

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