Success Tips – Belinda

Tip 1: 

A tip that I will start using is participating. This tip is significant to me because ever since I was young, I never really liked to talk in front of people and it gives me a lot of anxiety. In class, I’m very quiet and don’t really talk but I do listen and get my assignments in on time. I’ve never been a big fan of raising my hands a lot in class because I don’t like having attention on me. I can try / do other forms of participation such as emailing the professor when I need help / have questions with something, talking in small groups and making sure I have the required materials. But I also need to try my best to speak in class here and there because I know that in the real world, I have to talk to people so speaking in class can be a beginning step to being able to talk with people with no problem. 

Tip 2: 

The second tip that I will start using is being able to study skills/trying new methods for myself when it comes to exams/tests. This is significant to me because I’m not a test taker and what I mean by that is I do decent when it comes to homework but when it comes to taking an exam, a test or a quiz, I don’t do well on them. Ever since middle school, I’ve always struggled on finding which studying method works for me. However I do know that I work best in an environment where it’s quiet or whenever I’m listening to music. From now on, I will reach out to the professor to see what suggestions they have and I’ll see if those suggestions work for me or I can research studying methods online and try them out. Trying a new studying method that I’ve never tried before. I know that in some classes, exams/tests can heavily impact your grades and I really want to do well. I want to be able to find studying methods that can help me pass the exams/tests.

5 thoughts on “Success Tips – Belinda”

  1. Participation is very important no matter what level of education you are pursuing. I too am shy when it comes to speaking in-front of the class. Public speaking is a very important skill to have as well. I typically don’t study as often as I should but it will definitely be higher on my list as this semester progresses.

  2. I also never liked talking in front of people and almost never raise my hand during class so that is why I am making an effort to try to participate in class. I hope the both of us by the end of this semester can try to participate more.

  3. To help you with participating, don’t think of what anyone else has to think about what you’re saying just remember that you’re participating to get a better grade. Class participation is also helpful to get you ready to speak in the “real world”. I agree with you, I also always struggled to find study skills that truly helped me. I also study better when I’m listening to music. I might also fry a new study skill maybe. I have a tip for you what really helps me is me overloading myself with information and then throughout the day, I try to remember what I studied. For example, if I have to study 4 times 2 equals 8, throughout the day I would just repeat it until it’s stuck with me. 

  4. Participating is always hard for me too and I’ve been trying to get myself to talk more since I have a public speaking class so I have to talk to people. Hopefully the class will help me by the end of it because as you said later on in life it’ll be a good skill to have in a job or just social life.

  5. Participation is something I don’t mind but I just never participate. I don’t really mind talking in front of a class. But I think now I will definitely try to talk more especially since it is just easy points to get for your grade, Studying is also something I need to work on. I don’t think I ever even studied for an exam in high school.

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