
Hi, my name is Sindy Jerez. Usually, people write my name with a “c” instead of a “s”, it’s not very common. Most of the time people always say how they haven’t seen it spelled that way before, so I guess that’s something unique about my name. People also tend to pronounce my name wrong, and I think it might be due to the “s”, so they usually say Sidney instead of Sindy, but I still don’t get how they make that assumption. Through my childhood my family members liked to call my Cinderella because of my name. That was my nickname all throughout childhood even though she wasn’t my favorite princess but now I hear it sometimes when around my family but not as often. That reminds me how I’m not so little anymore. How I was just a little girl in elementary school playing in recess or watching movies in the auditorium. How I met my best friend in 3rd grade but got close to her in 6th grade. How I would walk home after school and get pizza on the way with my friend. My childhood is over and now I’m an 18-year-old in college. 

When I was in high school being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I didn’t know so I would try to avoid the topic because I got stressed thinking about it. I saw how many people already knew what they wanted to do but I didn’t. I knew I didn’t want to go into the medical field even though many people talked about it,  I almost decided to go in that field because of it. I knew science was the only subject I wasn’t good at , so I tried to steer away from it. I then saw someone talking about information systems, so I decided to investigate it. I ended up making it my major and when college got nearer, I began to question if I chose the right thing or should’ve just got into the medical field. Although I think some people feel the same way as me. Since I was the first one in my family to go to college I had no guidance and doing everything myself was stressing but I tried to pull through the best I can. Now that college has started, I will get to know if I did the right and pull through it as much as I can to see what I can make of it. 

3 thoughts on “Intro-Sindy”

  1. Hello Sindy, I can relate to your experience about life moving on too fast. One day you’re a child without responsibilities, eating ice cream on your living room sofa and then all of the sudden you’re a senior in high school, stressing about college applications, balancing your academic responsibilities and private life matters. I honestly never imagined I would get this far in life because I never pictured it. I like to stay in the present and take in everything as much as I can. I do like looking forward to the future to set up goals but without a solid base that future won’t be solid or even promised. Life can be enjoyed at every stage, you just have to learn how to balance and take everything to your advantage.

  2. Hey sindy, We have a lot of things in common, and I was very interested in your story. In highschool I also had a friend that his name was christian but with the K. So khristian. It definitely made him stand out but sometimes not in a good way. Some people just thought it was dumb. BUt without truly knowing the meaning behind it. People are just to quick to judge. But anyways, another thing is that I also came into college without truly knowing what I want but hoping I made the right decisions. My current major im going for is Computer Engineering Technology. After what I seen, this is in the field of what I want to do but Im nervous about it because it involves taking physics and Im really bad in that subject. But we made it this far. 12 years. What’s another 4 years?

  3. Wow — I am impressed with the support you get from these two classmates: Diego and Angel.

    I believe so many of us start college without clearly knowing what we want to do. At 19 who really knows. LIfe has many twists and turns and as Diego says, you can only live one day at a time.

    So breathe and just try your best at whatever you are majoring in for now. You can always change and takng a bit longer in college is absolutely ok.

    Love the cute picture!

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